Erectile Dysfunction Viagra And Other Oral Medications

Telechargé par Andres Bruce
Erectile Dysfunction: Viagra And Other
Oral Medications
Oral drugs are also the first line of dicaments contre les troubles de l'érection
dysfunction therapy. These drugs perform well and have few side effects with most men who
have issues keeping the erection firm enough for sex (erectile dysfunction).
Sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra, Stexyn), tadalafil (Cialis), and avanafil (Stendra) are
oral drug treatments that reverse erectile dysfunction by increasing the nitric oxide effects.
This stimulates blood supply and enables you to get an erection in response to sex drive.
How oral medications differ
Every oral medicine has a slightly different chemical make-up, although they function
similarly. These small variations influence how a substance works, such as how easily it
works and wears off, and the possible side effects. Your doctor will take these and other
symptoms into account, and any problems with other drugs.
Sildenafil (Viagra). Taken on an empty stomach one hour before sex, this drug is most
effective. If you have moderate to medium erectile dysfunction, it is good for four or five
hours or more.
Vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn).It can be taken with or without food for an hour before sex
and is, therefore, most safe. A very fat meal may deter it from too easily absorption.
Si vous souffrez de acheter une pilule érectile dysfonctionnement, le vardénafil fonctionne
pendant quatre à cinq heures ou plus. Une version plus récente du médicament se dissolvant
sur la langue pourrait fonctionner plus rapidement que la pilule que vous avalez.
Tadalafil (Cialis). This drug is taken roughly 1 or 2 hours before sex with or without food.
Up to 36 hours it is successful. A small dosage or a larger dose may be taken daily as
Avanafil (Stendra). This pilule erectile drug is taken 30 minutes before sex, depending on
the dosage, with or without food. It's up to six hours long.
As these medications are equally successful, the American College of Physicians advises that
your choices are focused on the expense, easiness of use, and the amount of time the benefits
and side effects of the medication last. Sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil are Levitra
générique affordable.
When oral medications might not be safe
Get the doctor OK before you take some acheter une pilule erectile dysfunction medicine.
Erectile dysfunction medications do not work or maybe harmful if you do:
Take medicines such as nitroglycerin (Nitro Dur, Nitrostat, others), mononitrate
isosorbide (Monoket), and dinitrate isosorbide widely used for chest pains (angina)
- (Dilatrate-SR, Isordil)
Have low or uncontrolled high blood pressure (hypotension) (hypertension)
Have extreme illness of the liver
Have renal condition for dialysis
Side effects
Most men taking erectile oral drugs for dysfunction are not affected by side effects. If there
are side effects, these can include:
Stuffy or runny nose
Back pain
More extreme side effects will occasionally take place including:
Hearing loss or vision loss. Since administering one of these drugs, some men unexpectedly
lose their hearing or vision. It is not, however, apparent whether the direct source of vision or
hearing loss is taking or a disease pre-existing. You can get immediate medical treatment if
you take medicine for oral erectility and experience sudden hearing loss and vision loss.
An erection that does not go by itself. This unusual disease, called priapism, can be
uncomfortable and needs medical attention to prevent penis injury. If you have a four-hour
erection, seek medical attention at once.
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Erectile Dysfunction Viagra And Other Oral Medications

Telechargé par Andres Bruce
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