Porcelain veneers:
Porcelain Veneers Houston is a tough, thin cover that a dentist can attach to the head and
sides of the teeth. Porcelain veneers’ color is similar to the natural tooth color. They can be
made whiter and brighter to provide you a flawless smile.
Resin-based composite veneers:
Resin-based composite veneers are like porcelain veneers. But their cost is higher than
porcelain veneers. Sometimes, a dentist may not remove the enamel before attaching the
composite veneers. And, it is easier to replace if it is broken or damaged than porcelain
The duration of Porcelain Veneers:
Porcelain veneers comprise extremely thin ceramic layers that can be bonded to the front of
the teeth to provide a makeover of your smile. The durability of the porcelain veneers is
long-lasting if you take care of them properly. The average lifespan of veneers may be ten to
fifteen years. If you have taken care of them properly, the duration can be extended.
Dental porcelain veneers are equally strong to the natural tooth enamel. So, you need not
worry about breaking issues. The durability of the porcelain veneers can be extended with
proper maintenance.
The Duration of Composite veneers:
Composite resins veneers are durable for up to five to seven years. After that, you will be
required to replace them.