1) Chronic Periodontitis -
This stage of gum disease includes periodontal pockets that slowly and gradually develop. It
can be additionally classified into localized or generalized versions like mild, moderate, or
2) Aggressive Periodontitis -
The stage involves failure of periodontal attachment at a brisk pace related to the patients’
age. In addition, it can be divided into localized or generalized forms, as well as the mild,
moderate, or severe amount of injury. Often, it can be noticed in adulthood and may transfer
in families. People who are suffering from the following issues may experience defects in
their immune systems.
3) Periodontitis as a Manifestation of Systemic Disease:
Patients suffering from leukemia (a blood disease) or Down syndrome (genetic diseases) are
more likely to have periodontitis. Mainly, it is due to the inability to fight infection.
4) Necrotizing Ulcerative Periodontitis (NUP):
This stage is connected with the severity of pain and bone loss. The patient may also
experience gum ulcers and bad breath. The main contributing factors involve Malnutrition,
psychological stress, smoking, lack of sleep, and incapacity to fight infections. NUP was also