Children can feel shy before their mates while they are talking to them as they can become a
joke to others. Parents can give their children beautiful smiles back by consulting with
dentistry for children. They can discuss the available options for their children for
understanding the problem in a better way. Since children’s teeth are still growing so it will
be good to know what is the best option available for kids in cosmetic dentistry.
Different types of cosmetic dentistry procedures:
A proper examination and X-rays of teeth help a dentist to determine the suitable options
available for them. The options may include:
● If your kids are suffering from decay it can be restored with composite fillings. The
white fillings are applied to the tooth layers after the dentists have removed the decay
and cleaned it. Then, they will polish the surface matching the colour of the tooth.
● In the case of minor defects in the tooth like chips, discoloration, or irregular spacing
they use dental bonding, in which tooth color resin is applied with light to harden it. It
provides bonding to improve kids’ smiles.