What treatments a Gum specialist provides?
Periodontal treatment methods depend upon the type of gum disease and severity of the
disease. A gum specialist will diagnose periodontal disease and then suggest the appropriate
treatment that is available for your gum disease. So basically, your periodontist treats your
gum disease largely depending upon the stage and severity of your gum infection and the
amount of infection your gums, teeth, tissue, bone, and surrounding areas are affected by.
After reviewing your gum and performing a thorough periodontal test, your periodontist will
discuss various treatment choices, explain what happens in this treatment. You can choose
with the help of your periodontist according to your cost and time or complications you are
1. Gingivectomy
A gingivectomy is proceeded to exclude the infected gum tissue. These benefits originate
from the growth of the infection and allow the gum to heal correctly. You might also require
a gingivectomy in the situation of tooth extraction. The gum tissue throughout the removal
tooth can become infected, diseased, or start to die due to a loss of blood supply. A
gingivectomy will remove this unhealthy tissue to maintain optimal health. A gingivectomy
can also be practiced to reshape and readjust the gum for a cosmetically pleasing result.