Cleaning procedure of Solar Panels:
There are two ways of cleaning panels, either you can hire a Solar Panel Service or you can
try to do it by yourself. But it will be more helpful to hire a professional because they are
well trained to do it. Various Solar Panel Cleaning Services Near Me will offer the
cleaning services for free of cost as it is included in the annual maintenance service. So, it
will be a good option to hire a Solar Panel Cleaning Service Near Me because not only
will you get a free cleaning service but the company will be able to monitor your solar
panels’ performance also.
It may be possible that some companies cost the cleaning services separately, in that case,
the maintenance cost will be higher. So, you need to learn some basics steps to clean the
solar panels by yourself. You can clean your solar panels by using a hose with soapy water
gently. You can clean them in the same manner as you do with your car. The one important
thing that you should keep in mind while cleaning panels is not to scratch them. So, use a
non-abrasive sponge to implement soapy water.
According to the experts, if you want effective cleaning, you should hire professionals to
perform the task because they will thoroughly clean your solar panels and clean each corner
of them properly. They can eliminate any kind of debris without damaging the glass of the
panels. Also, they can alert you about the performance of the solar panels whether they are
functioning perfectly or not. Additionally, they can tell you what kind of maintenance your
panels need like it can be mechanical, electrical, or clean.
Depending on factors like the height of the house, size of the system the Solar Panel
Cleaning Cost Near Me can be between $3 and $10 per panel. Some companies may charge
between $150 to $350 which is a flat rate for Solar Panel Cleaning Cost.