Why Varicose Veins Are Common In
People produce specific hormones known as progesterone. But females produce more than
males. The increment percentage of progesterone hormone makes women more likely to
experience varicose veins. In that case, they need to visit a vein center.
Progesterone is a natural hormone that is produced in the human body to help in maintaining
several vital organs, but that is not enough. It also helps to rest blood vessel walls. The
relaxation of the blood vessel walls results in the development of varicose or spider veins.
Spider and varicose veins cause because the walls of the blood vessels become weaker.
When blood flows through the body it pressurizes the walls of the blood vessels. If the walls
are not strong enough the blood can start to store in the leg, if it stays so for longer, results
in the growth of varicose or spider veins.
Why do varicose veins grow?
According to a vein specialist near me that arteries help to pump nutrient- and oxygen-rich
blood to all the organs, tissues, and cells in the human body. Your veins carry the de-
oxygenated blood back to your heart to start the process all over again. Since your veins
work against gravity to push your blood upward to your heart, they’re equipped with one-
way flaps, known as valves. These valves open to allow blood to move back to your heart,
and they close to prevent it from falling back and pooling.
Sometimes your valves do not work properly due to injury or disease, then the blood in your
veins may pool instead of continuing up to your heart that can lead to raised, lumpy, gnarled