and eustatic sea-level fluctuations on the sedimentation pattern;
and (iv) to construct a 3D stochastic reservoir model
(HERESIM) of this steep nummulitic carbonate ramp system.
From the Jurassic to the Lower Miocene several large basins
developed along the Tethyian margin in Tunisia in response to
a general distentional E–W history (Bishop 1988). During the
Eocene, the palaeogeography was also strongly controlled by
synsedimentary tectonic movements that induced the develop-
ment of NE–SW orientated topographic highs and lows
(Rigane et al. 1994).
The Lower Eocene succession corresponds to the Metlaoui
Group, comprising the shallow water, nummulitic El Garia
Formation, which is underlain by the phosphatic Chouabine
Formation, and overlain by the argillaceous Cherahil Formation
(Fig. 2). The nummulitic limestones of the El Garia Formation
occupy a broad zone that extends from the Gulf of Gabes in
the southeast through central Tunisia towards the northwest
border with Algeria (Fig. 2; Bishop 1988). The time-equivalent
basinal facies consists of the Bou Dabous Formation which
contains abundant globigerinid planktonic Foraminifera and is
rich in organic matter (Bishop 1988). The proximal Faid and
Ain Merhotta formations consist of sabkha facies and lagoonal
gastropod facies, respectively (Moody 1987).
The El Garia Formation is of Upper Ypresian age, and
probably represents a duration of about 3 Ma (Bishop 1988;
Racey et al. 2001). The Bou Dabous Formation spans the entire
Different depositional models have been presented for the
Metlaoui Group. The outcrops in Jebel Ousselat were first
studied for their facies and depositional environment by
Fakhfakh-Ben Jemia (1989). Moody et al. (1988) and Loucks
et al. (1998) have proposed a facies model for the El Garia
Formation in a ramp setting based on subsurface and outcrop
observations. They proposed an epiphytic way of life for the
nummulites in a facies belt rich in sea grasses. The association
of algae and nummulites is, however, neither observed in the
subsurface (e.g. Hasdruhal field, Racey et al. 2001), nor in the
Ousselat outcrops (this study). The depositional model pro-
posed by Racey et al. (2001) for the Ashtart and Bourri oil fields
corresponds to nummulite production on structural highs and
depocentres in the lows around them (Anz & Ellouz 1985;
Hmidi & Sadras 1991).
This study is based on 15 measured outcrop sections (total
1760 m) and semi-quantitative microfacies analysis of 500 thin
sections. In the Bou Dabous section 23 samples have been
analysed with a Rock-Eval II to determine the organic matter
content (TOC), carbonate content, hydrogen index (HI), oxy-
gen index (OI) and T
. Measurements were carried out at the
Organic Geochemistry Laboratory of the Institut Français du
Pétrole in Rueil-Malmaison. The Bou Dabbous type section has
been logged with an outcrop spectral gamma-ray tool. This tool
provides one-minute measurements of total gamma-ray count,
%K, ppm of Th and ppm of U. A portable, suspended,
four-channel, natural gamma-ray spectrometer from the
Canadian company Exploranium was used.
High-resolution sequence stratigraphy is used to unravel the
fine-scale stratigraphic architecture of the sedimentary system.
This approach has found widespread application in siliciclastic
systems (e.g. van Wagoner et al. 1989; Wilgus et al. 1989;
Homewood et al. 1992) and, more recently, also in shallow
water carbonates (e.g. Goldhammer et al. 1990; Pomar 1991;
Loucks & Sarg 1993; Kerans & Tinker 1997; Homewood &
Eberli 2000; van Buchem et al. 2002). The subdivision of
depositional sequences into five orders, which fall into a general
time framework, is followed here (Haq et al. 1988; Vail et al.
1991). The sequence orders that are of relevance to this study
are: third order (0.5–3 Ma), fourth order, also referred to as
high frequency cycles, para-sequences or genetic sequences
(0.5–0.08 Ma) and fifth order (0.08–0.02 Ma).
The methodology is summarized in four steps. It is, how-
ever, stressed that sequence definition, in particular in carbon-
ate systems, is very much a feedback process between the
different steps.
+The first step is the detailed description of bedding pattern,
texture, lithological composition and faunal content (macro-
scopic field observations complemented with thin section
analysis), the identification of significant surfaces and the
interpretation of depositional environment and sedimentary
processes. The abundant large benthic Foraminifera found
in the studied area provide a relatively independent way of
determining neritic palaeobathymetry (Hottinger 1997).
+The second step is the 1D sequence analysis. The trends of
increase or decrease in the accommodation/sediment supply
ratio are based on both palaeobathymetric interpretations,
the preservation of sedimentary structures (sets and co-sets),
and significant surfaces.
+In the third step, a time-based correlation scheme is estab-
lished using the higher frequency, smaller-scale cycles of
change in accommodation (or accommodation relative to
sediment supply). The main constraints for these corre-
lations are (a) the stratal geometries provided by the continu-
ous outcrops, (b) the hierarchy of the depositional sequences
as defined in each section and (c) biostratigraphic or other
independent time control such as isotope stratigraphy.
+The fourth step is the construction of the high-resolution
sequence stratigraphic model. The time framework allows
the definition of spatial and temporal relationships between
different facies types and the volumes of sediment involved
(sediment flux). Based on the environmental or bathymetric
changes across limiting surfaces, the landward- or seaward-
stepping character of the depositional sequences is deter-
mined. In this way a three-dimensional, dynamically
evolving, depositional model is defined. The resulting model
can subsequently be tested, and possibly refined or changed,
as additional outcrop sections (or wells), and geochemical,
palaeontological and mineralogical observations yield more
For the three-dimensional reservoir simulation use has been
made of the in-house developed IFP program HERESIM. This
is a stochastic modelling program generating equiprobable 3D
images of the reservoirs based on an algorithm using the
truncated Gaussian random function (Matheron et al. 1987).
Main geostatistical parameters are the vertical and horizontal
proportion curves and the variograms. The simulation algor-
ithm uses a Gaussian random function computed with the
previous factorized exponential variogram (stationary cases). By
using a variable function for the thresholds that truncate the
Gaussian function, it is possible to simulate lateral facies
changes throughout depositional environments (Doligez et al.
1999). The non-stationary simulation method is chosen here in
order to respect lateral facies changes from the coastal plain
domain to the basin domain.
A 3D outcrop analogue model for carbonate reservoirs 147
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