on seeks to answer the following questions:
Spotlight on English: Book Three
2- What is the Competency-Based Approach ?
3- How is it realised in the textbook?
4- What is project work and how does it t in the Competency-Based Approach?
5- What is the teacher’s role in Competency-Based Teaching ?
Spotlight on English: Book Three
Spotlight on English: Book Three
Spotlight on English: Book Two.
It is designed for learners aged
13 to 15, who have already 160 hours’ tuition in English . It consists of four les,
to be covered in some twenty hours’ teaching each.
Spotlight on English: Book Three
competencies acquired in the course of the previous two
, i.e., in MS1 and MS2. These broad competencies are worded in the
- interacting orally in English
- interpreting oral and written texts
- producing oral and written texts
It has to be observed that the notion of competency in the MS3 syllabus
is viewed as an on-going process extending from MS1 to MS4. Hence the
Spotlight on English: Book Three.
as an organisational principle allows work with the same topics, functions or
skills more than once, «but each time a particular one reappears, it is at a more
complex or dif cult level». *
Apart from its cyclical format,
Spotlight on English: Book Three
First, it seeks to motivate the learners through
tasks ranging from individual, to pair and group work; variety of text types (
dialogues, letters, tables, maps, comic strips and so on…); and nally variety
* F. Dubin and E. Olshtain,
( Cambridge : C.U.P. ), 1997, p. 55.