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05-97 en-938819/5
Despite the care taken in the preparation of this document, NUM cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information it contains and cannot be held
responsible for any errors therein, nor for any damage which might result from the use or application of the document.
The physical, technical and functional characteristics of the hardware and software products and the services described in this document are subject
to modification and cannot under any circumstances be regarded as contractual.
The programming examples described in this manual are intended for guidance only. They must be specially adapted before they can be used in
programs with an industrial application, according to the automated system used and the safety levels required.
© Copyright NUM 1997.
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means whatsoever, including photographic or magnetic
processes. The transcription on an electronic machine of all or part of the contents is forbidden.
© Copyright NUM 1997 software NUM 1000 family.
This software is the property of NUM. Each memorized copy of this software sold confers upon the purchaser a non-exclusive licence strictly limited
to the use of the said copy. No copy or other form of duplication of this product is authorized.
Table of Contents
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Table of Contents
1 Review 1 - 1
1.1 System Overview 1 - 3
1.2 Machine Overview 1 - 5
2 Structure of a Programme 2 - 1
2.1 Word Format 2 - 4
2.2 Block Format 2 - 7
2.3 General Structure of a Programme 2 - 9
2.4 Classification of Preparatory G Functions
and Miscellaneous M Functions 2 - 18
3 Axis Programming 3 - 1
3.1 General 3 - 3
3.2 Programming the Independent Secondary
Axes 3 - 4
3.3 Programming of Carrier/Carried Parallel
Axis Pairs 3 - 5
3.4 Programming Rotary Axes Modulo 360
Degrees 3 - 6
3.5 Programming Rotary Axes with Limited
Travel 3 - 7
3.6 Programming of Axes A, B or C Declared
as Nonrotary 3 - 7
4 ISO Programming 4 - 1
4.1 Choice of the Programming System 4 - 7
4.2 Plane Selection 4 - 10
4.3 Spindle Control 4 - 12
4.4 Rapid Positioning 4 - 23
4.5 Programming Movements 4 - 26
4.6 Path Sequencing Conditions 4 - 60
4.7 Feed Rate 4 - 62
4.8 Programming of Tools 4 - 76
4.9 Basic Cycles 4 - 109
4.10 Other Cycles 4 - 146
4.11 Breaks in Sequence 4 - 193
4.12 Movement Origin Selection 4 - 229
4.13 Spline Curve Interpolation 4 - 247
4.14 Other Functions 4 - 256
4.15 Special Programming for Multi-axis
Groups 4 - 294
4.16 Special Programming of PLC Axes 4 - 304
4.17 Special Features of Mixed Machines (MX) 4 - 308
4.18 Message Transmission 4 - 314
5 Profile Geometry Programming 5 - 1
5.1 Profile Geometry Programming (PGP) 5 - 3
5.2 PROFIL Function 5 - 24
6 Parametric Programming 6 - 1
6.1 Programme L Variables 6 - 3
6.2 External E Parameters 6 - 20
6.3 Address Equivalences 6 - 58
6.4 Transfer of the Current Values of L
Variables and E Parameters into the Part
Programme 6 - 59
6.5 Message Display with Wait for an Operator
Response 6 - 61
6.6 Display of Messages with Parametric
Value 6 - 63
6.7 Reading the Programme Status Access
Symbols 6 - 64
6.8 General Diagrams of Parametric
Programming 6 - 68
7 Programme Stack - L Variables and Symbolic Variables 7 - 1
7.1 Programme Stack 7 - 3
7.2 Saving and Restoring L Variables 7 - 3
7.3 Symbolic Variables 7 - 6
8 Programming of Error Numbers and Messages 8 - 1
8.1 General 8 - 3
8.2 Creating Error Messages 8 - 3
Appendix A Function Summary Tables A - 1
A.1 G Function Summary Table A - 3
A.2 M Function Summary Table A - 18
A.3 Additional Function Summary Table A - 23
Appendix B External Parameter E Summary Tables B - 1
B.1 Parameters in the PLC Memory B - 3
B.2 Parameters in the NC Memory B - 3
Appendix C Word Format Summary Table C - 1
Table of Contents
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Appendix D List of Errors D - 1
D.1 Miscellaneous Errors and Machine Errors D - 3
D.2 Parametric Programming Errors D - 5
D.3 Profile Geometry Programming (PGP)
Errors D - 6
D.4 Miscellaneous Errors D - 7
D.5 Request for Movements Outside the
Machine Travel Limits D - 8
D.6 Structured Programming Errors D - 8
D.7 Axis Errors D - 8
D.8 Errors in Pocket Cycles D - 9
D.9 Axes Not Identified on the Bus D - 10
D.10 Dynamic Operators in C D - 10
D.11 Spline Curve Interpolation Errors D - 10
D.12 Errors in Numaform D - 11
D.13 Cycle Programming Errors D - 12
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