But in five American states, which include Arizona, Iowa, Louisiana, Montana, and Washington,
fantasy sports are banned. The Fantasy Sports Trade Group does, however, lobby to amend the
legislation in those states.
Legal issues
The philosophy behind fantasy sports has always been about playing with your friends and not
wagering money. And if wagering money is the case, you wouldn't know whether you lost or
won the wager before season's end (which is six months). Whether conventional or online in
gambling, you seem to lose money in just a matter of hours or minutes.
In addition, there was not much luck involved in fantasy sports because the results were scattered
over the course of a season. While a player could have one bad game, they could still bounce
back the next week to make up for it.
Daily fantasy sports are a phenomenon that stormed the internet sports industry. The entire
project is only expanding dramatically. While governmental pressure is a concern, it does not
seem like the sport itself is losing popularity. In addition, social media is also a significant
contributor to popularising the sport.