all evidence of energy at work, on scales both micro and macro.
Energy can be defined as the ability to do work. When you apply a force on an ob-
ject, it is said that work is done on the object if that object is displaced, meaning it
moves from its original location. For example, when you pick up a book, you exert a
force against gravity causing the book to change position, and you do work on the
book. The higher you lift the book or the further you throw it (should you decide to),
the more work you do. However, if you apply a lot of force on a heavy piece of furni-
ture but it doesn’t move from its original place, no work has been done regardless of
the amount of effort.
Note: ∆ is the Greek letter delta, and denotes a change. Here, ∆d is the change in position,
or the displacement. The standard unit of force is a Newton (N = kg·m·s ), which is de-
fined as the force required to make a mass (m) of 1 kg accelerate at 1 m·s . Force (F) is
equal to the mass (m) of an object times its acceleration (a): F = m*a.
Internal energy is the total amount of energy stored in any object and determines how
much work the object is capable of performing. This includes both kinetic energy
(energy that an object has when it is in motion) and potential energy (energy that is
stored). For example, a bowling ball sitting on a table contains energy despite the fact
it is not in motion. It does not have kinetic energy because it is still, but it contains po-
tential energy simply because of where it is situated. Were it nudged off the table, the
bowling ball will do work because it will be pulled downward by gravity. This is an ex-
ample of gravitational potential energy. The potential energy (PE) due to gravita-
tional pull is given by the following equation:
Chapter 3: Thermodynamics – ATMO 200 http://pressbooks-dev.oer.hawaii.edu/atmo/chapter/chapter-3-thermodyn...
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