Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer:
1. After visiting Covent Garden early in the morning she decides to...
a. Visit Higgins' mother to spend some days with her
b. Come back to the flower market as a flower girl
c. Stay at Professor Higgins' and work for him
2. She is also worried because...
a. She does not know what she will do now that she has an education
b. She is getting married with a lazy man
c. She will come back with her father and back to the gutters
3. Higgins last words are...
a. Eliza, will you mary me?
b. Eliza? Where the devil are my slippers?
4. Higgings feels angry because...
a. She left with all his things
b. She is going to be a teacher
5. After talking to Eliza, Zoltan Karpathy comes to the conclusion that she is…
a. The princess of Hungary
b. The duches of Budapest
c. The queen of Transylvania
6. Mr. Doolittle gets wealthy because...
a. He gets married with a middle-class wealthy woman
b. He receives a donation as the most original moralist in England
c. Higgings leaves all his money to him
7. After the ball Eliza feels disapointed and sad because...
a. The moment to leave has come
b. Nobody in the house remembers or says a word to her
c. She commited a lot of mistakes
8. Colonel Pickering phones the police to find...
b. Doolittle (Eliza's father)