prepared by:
Marilyn Leask, Caren Lee, Tim Milner,
Michael Norton and Dimple Rathod
The IDeA knowledge management
strategy team wishes to thank the following
organisations and colleagues for their help,
support and interest in KM, which has allowed
the team to develop their knowledge and
experience in using KM tools and techniques
and produce this handbook.
• Local e-government National Knowledge
Management Project
• Knowledge and Innovation Network (KIN)
• Henley Management College: Knowledge
Management Forum
• Local Government Analysis and Research
• National Foundation for Educational Research
• National Archives
• Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI)
• Home Office
• National School of Government
• KM for local government community
of practice
• Public sector K&IM network
Across the country, councils are
delivering a wide range of improvement
to people’s lives and innovating to meet
the changing needs of citizens. We
believe that the sector has within it the
knowledge to drive improvement but
this knowledge needs to be more easily
accessible and shared.
The IDeA works for local government
improvement and uses Knowledge
Management (KM) and other tools
to challenge existing practice and to
develop new knowledge and effective
The IDeA runs programmes addressing
national priorities, manages formal
Peer Reviews, and provides consultancy
services and online communities of
practice which support collaborative
working across local government. We
then share this knowledge through
leadership training for members and
officers, IDeA Knowledge website and
weekly newsletters.
To support local government in achieving
sustainable sector-led improvement it is
crucial that we have access to knowledge
of best practice in local government.
Our vision is for everyone across the
sector to easily find, use, create,
manage and share knowledge.
From the IDeA knowledge
management strategy team
For more information email
or visit www.idea.gov.uk/km
March 2008