What do you expect people to respond like after watching the video?
What would be your budget for the entire project?
The number of videos that you want to get created?
Which filming style you want (animation, interviews or live action)?
What will be the duration of each video?
How soon you want to release the video?
Where the video will be published initially?
What will be the distribution and marketing plan like?
2. Pre-Production
Pre-production and Videography Services Melbourne is a little difficult stage
as everything that’s required for a successful shoot of a video is prepared. Like
script writing, creation of storyboards, Making production schedule,
auditioning and focusing on the cast, hiring a team, securing equipment,
finalizing locations, signing related contracts, going through the client’s
proposal again, selecting wardrobes, getting props.
3. Production
The task of video production services melbourne is actually capturing related
things for the project, whether it requires animation, actions or design. A lot of
energy is spent making things into special. There is no doubt that this task is
most critical as well as most difficult task where you have to be much vigilant
at the time of production of the video.
4. Post Production
This phase is all about completing the project. The following things are
involved in this phase
Editing the picture
Adding audio effect, voice over and music
Editing color and sound
Reviewing project
Adding credits and titles