They can be perfect for front faced teeth that have been impaired by decay or
traumatized or having stained fillings.
They improve your facial & smile aesthetics as well as restore tooth structure,
strength, and function of your teeth.
Porcelain dental crowns, when connected correctly, can preserve what is left of
the tooth.
They may help a dental implant to adequately work collectively with the surviving
healthy teeth or hold a denture or bridge securely in place.
If crafted perfectly, these crowns can
increase your upper and lower teeth to
meet properly and thus have a proper,
balanced bite.
Most importantly, the obstacle of a dark
line at the edge of the gums, a basic
difficulty with metal-fused crowns, are
With the application of advanced processing technologies such as hot pressing
and CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture), coupled
with the addition of stronger porcelain elements and recent breakthroughs in
adhesives, porcelain dental crowns provide more aesthetically pleasing finishes
than metal-fused dental crowns.
The biggest drawback of porcelain dental crowns is that they don't have sufficient
strength to resist the great biting forces.