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From GSM toLTE‐Advanced Pro and5G
From GSM to LTE‐Advanced Pro and 5G
An Introduction to Mobile Networks and Mobile Broadband
Third Edition
Martin Sauter
This third edition first published 2017
© 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data
Names: Sauter, Martin.
Title: From GSM to LTE-Advanced Pro and 5G an introduction to mobile networks
and mobile broadband / by Martin Sauter, WirelessMoves, Cologne.
Other titles: From GSM to LTE
Description: Third edition. | Hoboken, NJ, USA : Wiley, 2017. | Original edition published as:
From GSM to LTE. | Includes bibliographical references and index. |
Identifiers: LCCN 2017016332 (print) | LCCN 2017019349 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119346906 (pdf) |
ISBN 9781119346937 (epub) | ISBN 9781119346869 (cloth)
Subjects: LCSH: Mobile communication systems. | Wireless metropolitan area networks. |
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Classification: LCC TK5103.2 (ebook) | LCC TK5103.2 .S28 2017 (print) | DDC 621.3845/6–dc23
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Preface xiii
1 Global System forMobile Communications (GSM) 1
1.1 Circuit‐Switched Data Transmission 1
1.1.1 Classic Circuit Switching 2
1.1.2 Virtual Circuit Switching over IP 3
1.2 Standards 4
1.3 Transmission Speeds 5
1.4 The Signaling System Number 7 6
1.4.1 The Classic SS‐7 Protocol Stack 7
1.4.2 SS‐7 Protocols forGSM 9
1.4.3 IP‐Based SS‐7 Protocol Stack 10
1.5 The GSM Subsystems 12
1.6 The Network Subsystem 12
1.6.1 The Mobile Switching Center (MSC), Server andGateway 13
1.6.2 The Visitor Location Register (VLR) 16
1.6.3 The Home Location Register (HLR) 17
1.6.4 The Authentication Center 20
1.6.5 The Short Messaging Service Center (SMSC) 22
1.7 The Base Station Subsystem (BSS) andVoice Processing 24
1.7.1 Frequency Bands 24
1.7.2 The Base Transceiver Station (BTS) 26
1.7.3 The GSM Air Interface 27
1.7.4 The Base Station Controller (BSC) 35
1.7.5 The TRAU forVoice Encoding 39
1.7.6 Channel Coder andInterleaver intheBTS 43
1.7.7 Ciphering intheBTS andSecurity Aspects 45
1.7.8 Modulation 49
1.7.9 Voice Activity Detection 49
1.8 Mobility Management andCall Control 51
1.8.1 Cell Reselection andLocation Area Update 51
1.8.2 The Mobile‐Terminated Call 53
1.8.3 Handover Scenarios 56
1.9 The Mobile Device 58
1.9.1 Architecture ofaVoice‐Centric Mobile Device 58
1.9.2 Architecture ofaSmartphone 60
1.10 The SIM Card 62
1.11 The Intelligent Network Subsystem andCAMEL 66
Questions 69
References 69
2 General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) andEDGE 71
2.1 Circuit‐Switched Data Transmission over GSM 71
2.2 Packet‐Switched Data Transmission over GPRS 72
2.3 The GPRS Air Interface 74
2.3.1 GPRS vs. GSM Timeslot Usage ontheAir Interface 74
2.3.2 Mixed GSM/GPRS Timeslot Usage inaBase Station 77
2.3.3 Coding Schemes 77
2.3.4 Enhanced Datarates forGSM Evolution (EDGE) 78
2.3.5 Mobile Device Classes 82
2.3.6 Network Mode ofOperation 83
2.3.7 GPRS Logical Channels ontheAir Interface 84
2.4 The GPRS State Model 86
2.5 GPRS Network Elements 89
2.5.1 The Packet Control Unit (PCU) 89
2.5.2 The Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) 91
2.5.3 The Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN) 93
2.6 GPRS Radio Resource Management 94
2.7 GPRS Interfaces 98
2.8 GPRS Mobility Management andSession Management(GMM/SM) 103
2.8.1 Mobility Management Tasks 103
2.8.2 GPRS Session Management 106
Questions 108
References 109
3 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) andHigh‐Speed Packet
Access (HSPA) 111
3.1 Overview, History andFuture 111
3.1.1 3GPP Release 99: TheFirst UMTS Access Network Implementation 113
3.1.2 3GPP Release 4: Enhancements fortheCircuit‐Switched Core Network 115
3.1.3 3GPP Release 5: High‐Speed Downlink Packet Access 116
3.1.4 3GPP Release 6: High‐Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA) 117
3.1.5 3GPP Release 7: Even Faster HSPA andContinued Packet Connectivity 117
3.1.6 3GPP Release 8: LTE, Further HSPA Enhancements andFemtocells 118
3.1.7 3GPP Release 9: Digital Dividend andDual‐Cell Improvements 118
3.1.8 3GPP Releases 10 andBeyond 119
3.2 Important New Concepts ofUMTS 119
3.2.1 The Radio Access Bearer (RAB) 119
3.2.2 The Access Stratum andNon‐Access Stratum 120
3.2.3 Common Transport Protocols forCS andPS 121
3.3 Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) 121
3.3.1 Spreading Factor, Chip Rate andProcess Gain 125
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