mémoire master

Telechargé par Byme Elle
Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Economic Studies
The Impact of the Macroeconomic
Environment on Insurance Companies
Author: Bc. Lenka ˇ
Supervisor: PhDr. Ing. Petr Jakub´ık, Ph.D.
Academic Year: 2014/2015
Declaration of Authorship
Hereby I declare that I compiled this thesis independently, using only the listed
resources and literature.
Prague, July 23, 2015 Signature
Hereby, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor PhDr.
Ing. Petr Jakub´ık, Ph.D. for his valuable suggestions and comments throughout
writing this diploma thesis.
This thesis assesses the impact of economic, institutional and demographic fac-
tors on the life and non-life gross written premiums of insurance companies. A
dynamic panel data regression using the system generalized method of moments
is applied on data of 29 European countries collected by EIOPA covering the
period from 2005 to 2013. The results reveal that economic and institutional
factors drive both life and non-life insurance industry. On the other hand,
we cannot confirm that demographic factors are significant determinants of
the growth in GWPs. Subsequently, the hypothesis that there are substantial
cross-countries differences among the importance of different macroeconomic
determinants on the insurance sector development is explored and confirmed.
This work shines new light on the development of the quantitative macro-
prudential framework used to determine different economic scenarios affecting
insurance companies’ balance sheets. Moreover, a broader set of panel data
and more variables explaining the growth in insurance sector bring new contri-
butions to the current discussion in academic literature.
JEL Classification G22, E66
Keywords Gross written premiums, life insurance, non-life
Author’s e-mail [email protected]
Supervisor’s e-mail [email protected]
Tato pr´ace posuzuje vliv ekonomicych, institucion´aln´ıch a demografick´ych
faktor˚u na hrub´e ˇzivotn´ı a neˇzivotn´ı pojistn´e. Dynamick´a paneloa regrese
vyuˇz´ıvaj´ıc´ı model GMM je aplikoana na data z 29 zem´ı z´ıskan´a v obdob´ı mezi
roky 2005 a 2013. ysledky ukazuj´ı, ˇze ekonomick´e a institucion´aln´ı faktory
maj´ı vliv jak na ˇzivotn´ı, tak na neˇzivotn´ı sektor pojiˇsˇ
toven. yznamnost de-
mograficych faktor˚u na r˚ust hrub´eho pojistn´eho ale nen´ı potvrzena. Pr´ace d´ale
testuje hypot´ezu, zda se makroekonomice faktory ovlivˇnuj´ıc´ı sektor pojiˇsˇ
pro kaˇzdou zemi v´yraznˇe liˇs´ı.
Hlavn´ım pˇr´ınosem pr´ace je rozvoj makroekonomice anal´yzy, kter´a slouˇz´ı k
odhadu r˚uzn´ych ekonomicych situac´ı ovlivˇnuj´ıc´ıch pˇr´ıjmy pojiˇsˇ
toven. Pr´ace
aroveˇn vyuˇz´ıv´a v´ıce dostupn´ych dat a testuje v´ıce vysvˇetluj´ıc´ıch promˇenn´ych
neˇz ostatn´ı studie a pˇrisp´ıv´a tak k akademick´e literatuˇre.
Klasifikace JEL G22, E66
Kl´ıˇcoa slova Hrub´e pojistn´e, ˇzivotn´ı pojiˇstˇen´ı, neˇzivotn´ı
E-mail autora [email protected]
E-mail vedouc´ıho pr´ace [email protected]
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