261Smadav 2019 Rev. 12.9|====================|[English]|+ New detection
database of 1879 new viruses|+ Improvement of method to detect virus that
infect system or USB Flash drive|+ Fixing false detection and bug/error
in app.|====================|[Indonesia]|+ Penambahan database 1879 virus
baru|+ Peningkatan teknik deteksi virus yang menginfeksi sistem atau USB
Flashdisk|+ Perbaikan kesalahan program (bug) dan kesalahan
deteksi.|====================|Smadav 2019 Rev.
12.8|====================|[English]|+ Removal of 330 virus databases and
replaced with 133 popular virus databases|+ Improvement of virus
detection method for BAT/VBS/Script virus and method to restore hidden
files in USB Flash drive|+ Changes to the terms and purchase agreement of
Smadav Pro|+ Fixing false detection.|====================|[Indonesia]|+
Penghapusan 330 database virus dan digantikan dengan 133 database virus
populer|+ Peningkatan teknik deteksi virus BAT/VBS/Script dan teknik
memunculkan file tersembunyi di USB Flashdisk|+ Perubaha