If you are new at this, start with purchasing
small pieces of equipment like the slamball,
grip weight plate, rubber dumbbell, and so on
and later you can invest in others like Power
sled or weight sleds. If you are someone un-
new to fitness and gym and skilled, you know
what to purchase. Having premium quality
equipment can make your workout regime
worth and valuable.
The most important and common gym gear is a
dumbbell. Both men and women can work their
legs, chest, back, and legs with the dumbbells.
In fact, it is the most versatile gym gear to work
with. One can exercise every major muscle or
minor with dumbbells. They are not only used
to build muscles but are a great resource of
aerobic workouts. There are many varieties of
dumbbell available in the market each having
distinct training benefits. Hex dumbbell, rubber
dumbbell, adjustable or fixed dumbells, are
some of the common fitness equipment on can
effectively use at home.