My research activities focus on the theoretical study of chemical re-
activity catalysis and green chemistry. Based on models and simu-
lations and strong collaborations with experimentalists, this research
aims at establishing structure/catalytic activity relationships to promote
a rational and efficient development of new catalysts in homogeneous
catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis and electrocatalysis. My main am-
bition is to improve the models and methodologies beyond their limits
to provide a better understanding. For instance, with a simple micro-
solvation effect, I could rationalize the impact of the water solvent on
the activity of metallic catalysts for the levulinic acid conversion into
-valerolactone. Solvent effects are even more crucial in electrocatal-
ysis as shown recently on the CO2electroactivation. Thus, developing
solvatation models for heterogeneous interfaces is a clear milestone for
the coming years. Another challenge will be the constant improvement
of the quality of the model of the catalyst in its steady state.