World Nuclear Industry Status Report
The project coordinator wishes to thank AntonyFroggatt for his ideas, his iron-clad reliability and his friendship
over so many years.
At the core of the WNISR is its database, designed and maintained by data manager and information engineer
JulieHazema nn, who also develops most of the roughs for the graphical illustrations. In other words, no WNISR
without her. Thanks so much.
It has been several years now that the WNISR project can count on the professional and insightful input by contri-
buting authors M.V.Ramana and TadahiroKatsuta. A big thank you for that.
The WNISR2018 team includes several new contributors. We are very grateful for the excellent work delivered by
Christian vonHirschhausen and BenWealer, as well as their ability to adapt their input to the WNISR framework.
The thought-provoking and original research by Andy Stirling and Phil Johnstone is a great new contribution to the
WNISR. Thank you all very much.
Our special gratitude goes to the authors of the two brilliant and generous Forewords, HANWenke, ZHOUJie
andAnton Eberhard that provide two different but very complementary views from two different parts of the pla-
net. A big thank you goes to Jade Huang and Wangshu (Annie) Pan for their effective assistance with communica-
tion and translation.
Many other people have contributed pieces of work to make this project possible and to bring it to the current
standard. In particular ShaunBurnie, whose multiple contributions have been invaluable and highly appreciated.
Thank you also to CarolinePeachey, Nuclear Engineering International, for providing the load factor figures quoted
throughout the report.
The cooperation with artist and graphic designer AgnèsStienne, who created the redesigned layout in 2017 and
shed a creative new light on our graphic illustrations, which was so successful that we are happy to have her on
board again. Thank you. We are fortunate that NinaSchneider put her excellent proof-reading and production skills
to work again. Thank you. Thanks to EDF for making available the cover photography.
This work has greatly benefitted from further proofreading by Walt Patterson, partial proof-reading, editing sug-
gestions or comments by ShaunBurnie, IanFairlie, JanHaverkamp, IrynaHolovko, DaulJang, TomasKåberger,
KANGJunjie, LutzMez, OlexiPasyuk, SteveThomas and others. Thank you all.
The authors wish to thank in particular Rebecca Harms, Amory B.Lovins, Matthew McKinzie, TanjaGaudian,
Rainer Griesshammer, AndreaDroste, NilsEpprecht and MichaelSailer for their durable and enthusiastic support
of this project.
And everybody involved is grateful to the MacArthur Foundation, Natural Resources Defense Council, HeinrichBöll
Foundation France, the Greens-EFA Group in the European Parliament, Elektrizitätswerke Schönau, Foundation
Zukunftserbe and the Swiss Energy Foundation for their generous support.
A big thank-you to Philippe Rivière for his continuous, reliable work on the website over the past six years. He is
moving on to other responsibilities. We wish him good luck. Thank you to ArnaudMartin for picking up the chal-
lenge to continue the work on the website.
This report contains a very large amount of factual and numerical data. While we do our utmost to verify and
double-check, nobody is perfect. The authors are always grateful for corrections and suggested improvements.
Mycle Schneider Antony Froggatt
45, Allée des deux cèdres 53a Neville Road
91210 Draveil (Paris) London N16 8SW
France United Kingdom
Ph: +33-1-69 83 23 79 Ph: +44-79 68 80 52 99
E: mycle@WorldNuclearReport.org E: antony@froggatt.net