spectral sensitivity of the human eye

Sensitivité Spectrale de l’œil Humain
Vi s i o n c o l o r é e
J.B. Dadet DIASOLUKA Luyalu Nzoyifuanga
+243 - 851278216 - 899508675 - 995624714 - 902263541 - 813572818
[email protected]
There is an infinity of colors (different wave length of electromagnetic
rays), very few of them perceptible and much of them not perceptible to
our eyes. Very simply speaking, our eye see fundamentally only 3 colors
(RGB = Red, Green, Blue, that means that there are three kind of cones
that each have a MAXIMUM OF SENSITIVITY to one of these colors)
which yield all the subjective colors we seem to see.
The cone that has its maximum of sensitivity to green (chlorolable : 530540 nm [wl]) is also sensible from 400 nm wl to 660 nm, the of
responsible for the blue (cyanolabe: ~420[-424]-440 nm wl) is also
sensible from 360 thru 550 nm wl, and finally the one most sensible to red
(érythrolabe: 560-570 nm wl) is sensible from 440 thru 700 nm wl).
That means that each cone assumed responsive to a specific color is also
sensitive to other colors but at a less sensitivity.
That means also that each visible color has an effect (stimulation) on each
or only two of these three cones responsible of the three fundamental [of
maximum sensitivity] cones.
The subjective color is the saturation of sensitivity each light has on each
Some persons do not have the three rods (color blindness), and some
privileged have four different types of rod or perhaps more.
Mantis Shrimp can see (distinguish) 14-16 fundamental colors (has 16
types of rods of different MAXIMAL SENSITIVITY).
Kinshasa, le mercredi 19 juin 2019 (10:40:03 PM).
Mots-clés :
infinity of colors, wave lengh, electromagnetic rays, perceptible,
fundamental colors, RGB = Red, Green, Blue, MAXIMUM OF SENSITIVITY,
colors, subjective colors, cone, chlorolable, cyanolabe, érythrolabe,
specific color, sensitivity, visible color, stimulation, maximum sensitivity, subjective color, saturation, light, rod, color blindness,
daltonisme, ishihara, Farnsworth, Mantis Shrimp, distinguish, types
of rods
Docteur en Médecine, Chirurgie & Accouchements (1977),
CNOM : 0866 - Spécialiste en ophtalmologie (1980)
Études humanités : Scientifique - Mathématiques & Physique.
Informaticien-amateur, Programmeur et WebMaster.
Chercheur indépendant, autonome et autofinancé, bénévole, sans aucun conflit
d’intérêt ou liens d'intérêts ou contrainte promotionnelle avec qui qu’il soit ou
quelqu’organisme ou institution / organisation que ce soit, étatique, paraétatique ou
privé, industriel ou commercial en relation avec le sujet présenté.
+243 - 851278216 - 899508675 - 991239212 - 902263541 - 813572818
[email protected]
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