Guidelines for Authors of
Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics
Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics publishes original articles and reviews on the mechanics of
liquids, gas, and plasma; dynamics of multiphase media; physics and mechanics of explosive processes; elec-
tric discharge; shock waves, the state and movement of matter at superhigh parameters; thermal physics; me-
chanics of solids; composite materials; and methods for testing the gas dynamics of physical and chemical
The editorial board recommends authors adhere to the following rules when preparing manuscripts.
Manuscripts that disregard these rules are not considered for publication.
General Requirements
The length of a manuscript should not exceed 16 typewritten pages; the total number of figures, includ-
ing separate panels, should be no more than six. The text should be typeset on a standard page with double
spacing (14 pt font size); the margins should be 3 cm on the left and 1.5 cm on the right; all pages should be
The manuscript should be prepared in the following order: (1) title; (2) list of authors; (3) their affiliations,
city, zip code, and country; (4) e-mail; (5) abstract; (6) keywords; (7) body of text; (8) list of references; (9) ta-
bles; (10) figures; (11) figure captions (on a separate page); and (12) list of designations used.
The manuscript should be signed by all authors. The manuscript should be accompanied by (1) a cover
letter; (2) information about the authors, their affiliations and addresses, e-mail addresses, and phone num-
bers, with indication of the corresponding author; (3) files of the manuscript and figures on digital media; and
(4) a completed, signed, and scanned copyright transfer agreement.
Submitted manuscripts are reviewed by leading scientists and then considered by the editorial board.
Based on the review, the editorial board may recommend that the authors revise the manuscript. Accepted
manuscripts are sent to the author after editing. Upon revision, the authors submit the revised manuscript
and files of text and figures. Rejected manuscripts are returned to the authors in one copy.
Requirements for Manuscripts
Units of measure. The International System of Units (SI) should be used. Use abbreviated units of meas-
ure without numerical values in the text is not allowed; units should not be placed in line with formulas. The
units are typed in Roman letters (Pa, W/m2, J/(kg K), etc.).
Tables are numbered if more than one. A title is required when the table is self-contained; auxiliary tables
need not be titled.
Mathematical formulas. Serial numbers are assigned only to the most important formulas referenced in
the text; the numbers are placed in parentheses at the right edge of the line. Sequential numbering through
the text or in sections, if any, is used (for example, (5), (2.6), (3.11)–(3.15)). The symbols of the formula are
explanation in the order in that they are used in the formula. Simple formulas are written in a single line
across a slash. Numbers Re, Fr, St, Pr, and others, as well as signs of mathematical functions (sin, cot, arcsin,
sinh, grad, rot, div, lim, exp, ln, log, etc.) are typed in Roman letters. For averaged values, expectations, vari-
ances of higher moments, it is recommended to use angular brackets. Symbols denoting vector quantities are
typed in boldface. The simplest indexes should be used; the number of letters in them should be minimized.
Figures must be clear and precise, with well-developed details legible upon subsequent reduction. The
recommended figure size is 60 × 150 or 60 × 70 mm. Instead of inscriptions in the figure, number or letter
symbols should be used, explained in the caption or in the text. If there is only one figure, it is not numbered
and is referenced as (see figure).
The abstract should summarize the content of the work, results, evaluations, and conclusions. The title of
the manuscript should not be repeated in the text of the abstract; it is not recommended to include references
to previously published works in the abstract. The abstract should be no more than 10–12 lines. At the end of
the abstract, keywords (5–8 terms and short phrases) reflecting the topic of the manuscript should be speci-
References are listed in the order of their appearance in the text and at the end of the manuscript. Un-
published materials should not be cited. In the text, references to publications are given in square brackets:
[1], [2, 3], [4–7], etc.
Sample references are given below:
H. Schlichting and K. Gersten, Boundary Layer Theory (Springer, Berlin, 2000).
B. M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions (Dover, New York, 1970).
Journal articles
E. I. Heller, “Quantum intramolecular criteria for stochastic and nonstochastic flow,” J. Chem. Phys.
72, 1337–1347 (1980).
A. S. Butt and A. Ali, “Entropy effects in hydromagnetic free convection flow past a vertical plate em-
bedded in a porous medium in the presence of thermal radiation,” Eur. Phys. J. Plus. 128 (5), 1–15 (2013). doi
Collection of papers
G. R. Johnson and W. N. Cook, “A constitutive model and data for metals subjected to large strains.
High rates and high temperatures,” in Proc. of the 7th Int. Symp. on Ballistics, Hague (Netherlands), 19–21
Apr., 1983. (Roy. Inst. of Engrs in the Netherlands, Hague, 1983), pp. 541–547.
Preparation of the Electronic Version of the Manuscript
It is necessary to submit a file prepared using any common text editors. For or, in extreme cases,
other TEX add-ons, use the style {article}. Use only standard TEX commands; do not apply customized
macros. It is necessary to send image files prepared in a standard format used in vector graphics packages
(*.eps, *.wmf, *.emf, *.ai, *.cdr); alternatively, original vector drawings (for example, prepared in Grafer, Surf-
er, etc.) can be inserted in a Microsoft Word document. When using bitmap files *.bmp, *.pcx, *.tif of a large
size, it is recommended to archive them by means of ZIP, ARJ, or RAR. PDF files of the published article
are sent to the authors.
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