for Fillers In Boston plus the duration of the result will also differ. Some
dermal fillers only last six months, whereas some other remains for
about two years or more. People should talk about their expectations
and personal requirements with their
doctor for deciding what filler would be
suitable for them.
Major differences
In a nutshell, the major differences
between fillers and Botox are -
Botox: this treatment method usually
freeze out the muscles for stopping wrinkles and creases occurred by
facial expressions. These are usually found in the upper portion of the
face, like round the eyes and the forehead.
Dermal fillers: this procedure uses hyaluronic acid and similar
compounds for filling up or plump up the areas that have lost
smoothness and volume. This includes thin cheeks, lips and wrinkles
around the mouth that have lost plump. Fillers may also be employed
on scars, forehead wrinkles and other parts that require additional
volume for a smoother appearance. The results from Botox usually
remain for three to for months whereas the results from fillers differ.
Since fillers and botox are separate compounds made for different
purposes, they can be mixed in a single treatment.