Chapter 1, lesson 1 Hello. What is your name? My

Chapter 1, lesson 1
Hello. What is your name?
My name is Jane. What about you?
I am Suzan.
W ho is h e ? W h a t is h is n a m e ?
He is my brother. His name is Henry.
P o u r d o n n e r l e n o m d e q u e l q u ’ u n , o n u ti l i s e
d e s a d j e c ti f s p o s s e s s i fs :
 m o n, m a , m e s
Your  ton, ta, tes
Hi s
 s o n, s a , s e s
He r
 s o n, s a , s e s
Chapter 1, lesson 1 (part 2)
Hello. How are you?
I am hot and I am thirsty.
How is Sarah? She is not here today.
She is ill. She is at her house.
How are John and Mike?
They are tired.
Pour demander à quelqu’un comment il va on
utilise le mot interrogatif HOW et le verbe BE
(être en français).
Ne pas oublier de conjuguer en fonction
d u s u j e t !!!
Chapter 1, lesson 1 (part 3)
Are you interested in science?
Yes, I am. I am interested in science.
Is J a c k g o o d a t la n g u a g e s ?
No, he is not. He is not good at languages.
Carol is sporty and she is a good musician but
she is not a fan of Coldplay.
Ne pas oublier de conjuguer le verbe BE
(être en français) en fonction du sujet.
Les différentes conjugaisons du verbe BE sont:
 I (j e )
is  he (il), she (elle), it (il / elle pour les objets et
les animaux)
are  we (nous), you (tu / vous), they (ils /
e l l es )
Chapter 1, lesson 1 (part 3)
Chapter 1, lesson 2
What is the first month of the year?
January is the first month of the year.
When do we celebrate Halloween?
We celebrate Halloween in October, which is
the tenth month of the year.
Pour classer les choses par ordre, on utilise les
nombres ordinaux.
Pour dire LE premier, on dit THE first.
Rappel: Quand on écrit avec un chiffre, on garde
les deux dernières lettres.
Ex: the fourth  4th
Chapter 1, lesson 2
Chapter 1, lesson 2 (part 2)
When is your birthday?
It is on the twelfth of May.
When is his birthday?
His birthday is in April.
On what day?
On the third.
P o u r d o n n e r u n e d a t e , o n u ti l i s e I N q u a n d o n
parle uniquement du mois.
On utilise ON quand on parle du jour et du mois
ou uniquement du jour.
Chapter 1, lesson 3
How old are they?
They are 23 years old.
How old were you in 2008?
I was 7 years old. Robert Pattinson was 22.
My parents were 35.
How old was Jane in 2008?
She was 4. She was born in 2004.
Le verbe BE au passé se conjugue de 2
manières différentes:
was  I / he , she, it
were  we / you / they
Rappel: Pour parler de l’âge en Anglais, on utilise
le verbe BE.
Chapter 1, lesson 3
Chapter 1, lesson 3 (part 2)
When were you born?
I w a s b o rn i n 2 0 0 0 .
When were Daniel and Emma born?
They were born before 1991.
When was Eva Longoria born?
She was born in 1975.
Pour dire quand quelqu’un est né, on utilise le
verbe BE au passé + born.
Ordre des mots & conjugaisons.
Chapter 1, lesson 4
Have you got brothers and sisters?
Yes, I have. I’ve got a sister and two
What are their names?
My sister is called Joanna and my brothers
are called Steve and Matt.
Has she got a sister?
No, she hasn’t. She is an only child.
Pour parler de ce que l’on a, de ce que l’on
possède, on utilise le verbe HAVE (avoir en
f ra n ç a i s ) .
Il y a deux conjugaisons possibles pour HAVE:
have  I / you / we / they
h as
 h e / s h e / it
Rappel: HAVE peut aussi s’écrire [’ve] à la forme
c o n t ra c t é e .
Chapter 1, lesson 4
Chapter 1, lesson 5
Tom has got short blond hair. He has got
blue eyes and he has got a denim jacket.
Katie has got long black hair and brown eyes.
She has got sunglasses and a red hat. She has
got red boots.
En général, les adjectifs se placent avant le
nom qu’ils décrivent.
On peut utiliser plusieurs adjectifs à la suite
mais ils doivent être utilisés dans un ordre
précis: d’abord la taille, puis la couleur.
Ex: short (taille) blond (couleur) hair.
Chapter 1, lesson 5 (part 2)
Where are you from?
I am from Canada. I am Canadian.
Is she from Scotland?
No, she isn’t. She is from South Africa. She
is South African.
Are they from the United States?
Yes, they are. They are American.
Pour parler de l’origine de quelqu’un, on utilise
le mot FROM.
Les noms de pays et de nationalités
commencent par une majuscule en anglais.