New technologies

New technologies
• CDs were sold for the first time in1982.
• CDs were first sold in 1982.
So, before 1982,
people couldn’t listen to CDs.
DVDs were invented
So, before 1995,
people couldn’t watch films on DVDs.
• The first programmes on television
were broadcast in1928.
• So, before 1928,
people couldn’t watch television.
• Personal computers
in 1977.
were first used
• Personal computers were used
for the first time in 1977.
• So, before 1977,
people couldn’t use computers at home.
• The first cameras
were invented in1839.
• So, before 1839,
people couldn’t
take photos.
• The internet
was invented
• So, before 1991,
people couldn’t
surf the web.
• The first automatic telephone
was invented in1891.
• So, before 1891,
people couldn’t telephone directly.
• The first personal stereos
were invented in1977.
• So, before 1977,
people couldn’t listen to their music
in public places.
• The first remote controls
were invented in1950.
• So, before 1950,
people couldn’t switch over channels
from their sofa.
1. Pour mettre en avant un objet qui a été créé, inventé,
utilisé pour la première fois etc..,
on utilise la
voix passive (l’objet lui-même n’a rien fait, il est
S + be conj. au prétérit + participe passé du verbe
2. Pour dire qu’il n’était pas possible de faire qqch avant, que
l’on ne pouvait pas faire telle ou telle chose, on utilise:
S + couldn’t + base verbale
could not ou couldn’t est la forme négative de could. Could est
un auxiliaire modal.
can au prétérit.
C’est en fait
Il est invariable,
toujours accompagné d’une B.V., mais jamais d’un autre