French 1101
Chapitre Un
Grammaire 1
Pour parler de nos activités
Les verbes du premier groupe en -er /
Le pronom sujet on / La négation /
Les pronoms disjoints
Les verbes du premier groupe en -er
Verbs in French are grouped according to
the ending of their infinitive. In Vocabulaire
1 of this chapter, you learned the meaning of
several -er verbs. Now you will learn the
different forms of the verbs in this group.
Pronoms sujets - French Subject Pronouns
The subject of a sentence is the person or
thing which performs the action. Subject
pronouns replace this person or thing.
You must understand subject pronouns
before you begin conjugating verbs, as the
form of verbs changes for each one.
Les Pronoms sujets
Singular Plural
1st person je Inous we
2nd person tu you vous you
3rd person il he,it ils they
elle she,it elles they
on one
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