Henrique de Gand - Cepame

Esta bibliografia inclui o acervo de bibliotecas de universidades de São Paulo,
complementarmente de outros estados e, quando é o caso, remete ao acervo pessoal de
membros do CEPAME. As bibliotecas das Universidades estaduais estão integradas e
os livros podem ser solicitados em qualquer uma delas.
Não é um levantamento exaustivo e correções e novas indicações são bem-vindas.
Há algumas entradas marcadas como [NA] (“Nova aquisição”) indicando títulos já
comprados mas ainda não incorporados ao acervo. Algumas vezes estão listados, em cor
diferente, títulos que faltam no acervo e cuja compra já foi solicitada à Biblioteca.
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(Veja-se o texto em modo de exibição de Estrutura de Tópicos).
Gustavo Vilhena de Paiva (doutorando, Depto. de Filosofia – USP)
José Carlos Estêvão (Depto. de Filosofia – USP)
Atualizada em 2015. http://cepame.fflch.usp.br/bibliografia
Edições modernas
HENRICI DE GANDAVO Summae quaestionum ordinariarum. In aedibus Badii
Ascensii, 1529. Reprint edition by E. M. Buytaert. New York, The Franciscan
Institute, 1953. 2 vols.# [PUC] [UFSCar] {NA}
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Quodlibeta Magistri Henrici Goethals a Gandavo
Doctoris Solemnis: Socii Sorbonici: et archidiaconi Tornacensis cum duplici
tabella. Parisiis, ab Iodoco Badio Ascensio, 1518. Reedição: Louvain, Bibliothèque
S. J., 1961. 2 vols. [CEPAME]
Opera omnia: ed. De Wulf-Mansion Centre
Bibliotheca Manuscripta Henrici de Gandavo. I. Introduction. Catalogue A-P. II.
Catalogue Q-Z. Répertoire. Ed. R. Macken. Henrici de Gandavo, Opera omnia, 12. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2. Leuven, UP, 1979. 2 vols. [UFSCar]
Bibliotheca Manuscripta Henrici de Gandavo, continuatio. Ed. R. Macken. Henrici de
Gandavo, Opera omnia, 3. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2. [ainda não
MACKEN, R., Henri de Gand (†1293), maître en théologie à l’Université de Paris,
archidiacre de l’évêché de Tournai. Dates et documents. Henrici de Gandavo,
Opera omnia, 4. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2. [ainda não publicado]
Quæstiones de quodlibet
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Quodlibet I. Ed. R. Macken. Henrici Gandavo Opera
omnia, 5. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2. Leuven, UP, 1979. XCIV+262
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Quodlibet II. Ed. R. Wielockx. Henrici Gandavo Opera
omnia, 6. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2. Leuven, UP, 1983. XLVII+165
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Quodlibet III. Ed. K. Emery Jr. Henrici Gandavo Opera
omnia, 7. [ainda não publicado]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Quodlibet IV. Ed. G. Wilson et G. J. Etzkorn. Henrici
Gandavo Opera omnia, 8. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2. Leuven, UP,
2011. LXXVIII+471 p.* [CEPAME]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Quodlibet V. Ed. R. Plevano. Henrici Gandavo Opera
omnia, 9. [ainda não publicado]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Quodlibet VI. Ed. G. Wilson. Henrici Gandavo Opera
omnia, 10. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2. Leuven, UP, 1987. LXV+313
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Quodlibet VII. Ed. G. Wilson. Henrici Gandavo Opera
omnia, 11. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2. Leuven, UP, 1991.
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Quodlibet VIII. Ed. P. Porro et M. Leone. Henrici
Gandavo Opera omnia, 12. [ainda não publicado]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Quodlibet IX. Ed. R. Macken. Henrici Gandavo Opera
omnia, 13. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2. Leuven, UP, 1983. XCI+361 p.
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Quodlibet X. Ed. R. Macken. Henrici Gandavo Opera
omnia, 14. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2. Leuven, UP, 1981.
CXXVI+331 p. [PUC] [UFSCar] [USP]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Quodlibet XI. Ed. J. Decorte (†) et C. Kann. Henrici
Gandavo Opera omnia, 15. [ainda não publicado]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Quodlibet XII, quaestiones 1-30. Ed. J. Decorte. Henrici
Gandavo Opera omnia, 16. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2. Leuven, UP,
1987. LXV+276 p. [PUC] [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP]
HENRICI DE GANDAVO, Tractatus super facto praelatorum et fratrum (Quodlibet
XII, questio 31). Ed. M. Haverals et L. Hödl. Henrici Gandavo Opera omnia, 17.
Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2. Leuven, UP, 1989. CLXIX+292 p. [PUC]
[UFSCar] [USP]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Quodlibet XIII. Ed. J. Decorte. Henrici Gandavo Opera
omnia, 18. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2. Leuven, UP, 1985.
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Quodlibet XIV. Ed. J. V. Brown et B. P. Buchwald.
Henrici Gandavo Opera omnia, 19. [ainda não publicado]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Quodlibet XV. Ed. G. Etzkorn et G. Wilson. Henrici
Gandavo Opera omnia, 20. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2. Leuven, UP,
2007. XLIX+200 p. [PUC] [UFSCar] [USP]
Quæstiones ordinariæ (Summa)
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae), art. I-V. Ed. G.
Wilson. Henrici Gandavo Opera omnia, 21. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s.
2. Leuven, UP, 2005. XCIX+402 p. [PUC] [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae), art. VI-VIII. Ed. M.
Leone. Henrici Gandavo Opera omnia, 22. [ainda não publicado]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae), art. IX-X. Ed. K.
Emery Jr. Henrici Gandavo Opera omnia, 23. [ainda não publicado]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae), art. XI-XX. Ed. ?.
Henrici Gandavo Opera omnia, 24. [ainda não publicado]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae), art. XXI-XXIV. Ed. M.
Pickavé. Henrici Gandavo Opera omnia, 25. [ainda não publicado]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae), art. XXV-XXX. Ed. S.
Negri. Henrici Gandavo Opera omnia, 26. [ainda não publicado]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae), art. XXXI-XXXIV. Ed.
R. Macken. Henrici Gandavo Opera omnia, 27. Ancient and medieval philosophy,
s. 2. Leuven, UP, 1991. CLIX+270 p. [PUC] [UFSCar] [USP]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae), art. XXXV-XL. Ed. G.
Wilson. Henrici Gandavo Opera omnia, 28. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s.
2. Leuven, UP, 2004. LXXVII+324 p.* [PUC]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae), art. XLI-XLVI. Ed. L.
Hödl. Henrici Gandavo Opera omnia, 29. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2.
Leuven, UP, 1998. XCIX+175 p. [PUC] [USP]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae), art. XLVII-LII. Ed. M.
L. Führer. Henrici Gandavo Opera omnia, 30. Ancient and medieval philosophy,
s. 2. Leuven, UP, 2008. LVI+298 p. [PUC] [UFSCar] [USP]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae), art. LIII-LV. Ed. G.
Wilson et G. J. Etzkorn. Henrici Gandavo Opera omnia, 31. Leuven, UP, 2014.
512 p. [CEPAME]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae), art. LVI-LIX. Ed. G.
Pini. Henrici Gandavo Opera omnia, 32. [ainda não publicado]
33-34 [ainda não publicados]
Opera adscripta
Quaestiones super VIII libros Physicorum (attributed). Ed. R. Macken. Study on the
athenticity by J. V. Brown. Henrici Gandavo Opera omnia, 35. Ancient and
medieval philosophy, s. 2. [ainda não publicado]
Lectura ordinaria super Sacram scripturam Henrici de Gandavo adscripta. Ed. R.
Macken. Henrci de Gandavo, Opera omnia, 36. Ancient and medieval philosophy,
s. 2. Leuven, UP, 1980. XXXI+290 p. [PUC] [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP]
Syncategoremata. Henrico de Gandavo adscripta. Ed. H. A. G. Braakhuis. Henrici de
Gandavo Opera Omnia 37. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2. Leuven, UP,
2011. LXV+82 p. [PUC] [USP]
Quaestiones variae. Henrico de Gandavo adscripta. Ed. G. J. Etzkorn. Henrci de
Gandavo, Opera omnia, 38. Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 2. Leuven, UP,
2008. XVIII+120 p. [PUC] [UFSCar] [USP]
[Dessas, as questões 1-6 foram posteriormente identificadas por A. Boureau como
as questões 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 e 7 do conjunto de Questões disputatas de RICHARD DE
MEDIAVILLA, Questions disputées. Tome I. Introduction générale. Questions 18: Le premier principe. L’individuation. Bibliothèque scolastique, 3. Texte établi
et traduit par A. Boureau. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2012. LXII+432 p. [USP]
Outras edições
MACKEN, R., Hendrik van Gent’s “Quodlibet I”. Tekstkritische uitgave. Weerlegging
van een mogelijke eeuwigheid der wereld. 2 delen. Proefschrift tot het behalen van
de graad van Doctor in de Wijsbegeerte. Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
1968. 365 p.+393 p. [CEPAME]
HENRIQUE DE GAND, Sobre a metafísica do ser no tempo: questões quodlibéticas I,
7/8-9 e 10. Tr., intr. e notas de M. S. de Carvalho. Pref. e restabelecimento crítico
do texto latino de R. Macken. Textos filosóficos, 41. Lisboa, Edições 70, 1996.
175 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP]
DECORTE, J., Een avicenniserend augustinisme: metafysica, wilspsychologie en
vrijheidleer bij Hendrik van Gent. Tekstkritische uitgave: Henrici de Gandavo,
Quodlibet XIII, qq. 1-12. 2 delen. Katholiek Universiteit Leuven, Hoger Instituut
voor Wijsbegeerte, 1983. 2 vols. [CEPAME]
FLORES, J. C., Henry of Ghent: metaphysics and the Trinity. With a critical ed. of
Question six of article fifty-five of the Summa quaestionum ordinariarum. Ancient
and medieval philosophy, s. 1, 36. Leuven, UP, 2006. 239 p. [UFSCar]
HENRI DE GAND. Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae), art. 73. Éd. partielle de I. Rosier
in ROSIER, I., “Henri de Gand, le De Dialectica d’Augustin, et l’institution des
noms divins”, Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale, Spoleto, 6
(1995), pp. 145-253 (edição nas pp. 192-253). [USP]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Sermo in die festi sanctae Catharinae ‘Confessio et
pulchritudo in conspectu eius’. Ed. E. Hocedez in HOCEDEZ, E., Richard de
Middleton. Sa vie, ses œuvres, sa doctrine. Louvain, Spicilegium Sacrum
Lovaniense, 7 / Paris, Honeré Champion-Édouard Champion, 1925, pp. 484-489,
509-517. XVI+555 p.* [UFSCar]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Sermo […] factus in synodo anno Domini
MCCLXXXVII, feria IIa post misericordia Domini. Ed. K. Schleyer in
SCHLEYER, K. Anfänge des Gallikanismus im 13. Jahrhundert. Der Widerstand
des frazösischen Klerus gegen die Privilegierung der Bettelorden. InauguralDissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Philosophischen Fakultät der
Ruprecht-Karis-Universität zu Heidelberg, 1937, pp. 141-150. [CEPAME]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO, Sermo in octava dominica post Trinitatem ‘Attendite a
falsis profetis’. Ed. H. Roos in ROOS, H., “Eine Universitätspredigt von Heinrich
von Gent”, Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latini, 1978, 24, pp. 5-15.
Outras edições da Opera adscripta
BELLAMARE, L., éd., Les “Quaestiones super VIII libros Physicorum” attribuées à
Henri de Gand. Étude sur l’authenticité de l’œuvre. Étude et texte des Questions
sur les livres I et II. Louvain, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1964. 2 vols.
PERRON, R., éd., Les livres trois et quatre des “Quaestiones super VIII libros
Physicorum” attribuées à Henri de Gand. Texte inédit et intr. Louvain, Université
Catholique de Louvain, 1961. 3 vols. [CEPAME]
Les Quaestiones in Librum de causis attribuées à Henri de Gand. Édition critique par J.
Zwaenepoel. Philosophes médiévaux, 15. Louvain, Publications universitaires,
1974. 160 p. [UFSCar] [USP]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO [adscripta], Quaestio ‘Utrum in Deo sit composition ex
actu et potentia’. Ed. P. Glorieux in GLORIEUX, P., La Littérature quodlibétique
II. Bibliothèque thomiste, 21. Paris, Vrin, 1935, pp. 339-341. [CEPAME]
HENRICUS DE GANDAVO [adscripta], Consultatio theologi Tornacensis super
regulis observandis a monachis ordinis Cistersiensis tempore interdicti. Ed.
Kervyn de Letterhove in KERVYN DE LETTENHOVE, Codex dunensis sive
diplomatum et chartarum Medii Aevi amplissima collectio. Bruxellis, Hayes,
1875, pp. 68-76. [CEPAME]
Ed. e/ou trad. Teske
HENRY OF GHENT, Quodlibetal questions on free will. Tr. with an intr. and notes by
R. J. Teske. Mediaeval philosophical texts in translation, 32. Milwaukee,
Marquette UP, 1993. 109 p. [UFSCar] [USP]
HENRY OF GHENT, Quodlibetal questions on moral problems. Tr. with an intr. and
notes by R. J. Teske. Mediaeval philosophical texts in translation, 41. Milwaukee,
Marquette UP, 2005. 82 p. [UFSCar] [USP]
HENRY OF GHENT, Summa of ordinary questions. Article one: On the possibility of
knowing. Intr., tr., and notes by R. J. Teske. South Bend, St. Augustine’s, 2008.
XXII+136 p. [UFSCar] [USP]
HENRY OF GHENT, Summa of ordinary questions. Articles six to ten on Theology. Tr.
and annotated by R. J. Teske. Mediaeval philosophical texts in translation, 48.
Milwaukee, Marquette UP, 2011. 226 p.* [CEPAME]
HENRY OF GHENT, “Summa”. The Questions on God’s existence and essence.
Articles 21-24. Latin text, intr., and notes by R. J. Teske. Tr. J. Decorte and R. J.
Teske. Dallas medieval texts and translations, 5. Louvain, Peeters, 2005. X+290
p. [USP] {NA}
HENRY OF GHENT, “Summa”. The Questions on God’s unity and simplicity. Articles
25-30. Latin text, intr., tr., and notes by R. J. Teske. Dallas medieval texts and
translations, 6. Louvain, Peeters, 2006. XII+388 p. [USP] {NA}
HENRY OF GHENT, Summa of ordinary questions. Articles thirty-one and thirty-two
on God’s eternity & the divine attributes in general. Tr. with an intr. and notes by
R. J. Teske. Mediaeval philosophical texts in translation, 49. Milwaukee,
Marquette UP, 2012. 144 p.* [CEPAME]
HENRY OF GHENT, Summa of ordinary questions. Articles thirty-five, thirty-six,
forty-two, and forty-five. Tr. and with an intr. and notes by R. J. Teske. Mediaeval
philosophical texts in translation, 50. Milwaukee, Marquette UP, 2013. 184 p.*
Outras ed. e/ou traduções
Quæstiones de quodlibet
HEINRICH VON GENT, Quaestiones quodlibetales. Ausgewählte Fragen zur Willensund Freiheitslehre. Übersetzt von J. Müller. Herders Bibliothek der Philosophie
des Mittelalters, 28. Freiburg, Herder, 2011. 370 S.* [CEPAME]
HENRI DE GAND, “Quodlibet I, question 9, co.” in THOMAS D’AQUIN,
DEITRICH DE FRIEBERG, L’être et l’essence: le vocabulaire médiéval de
l’ontologie. Deux traités De ente et essentia de Thomas d’Aquin et Deitrich de
Frieberg. Présentés, tr. et commentaires par A. de Libera et C. Michon. Paris,
Seuil, 1996. 1999, pp. 211-218. 257 p. [UNICAMP] [USP]
HENRI DE GAND, “La créature a-t-elle pu exister de toute éternité? Est-il opposé à la
créature d’avoir existé de tout éternité? [du Quodlibet I]” MICHON, C., et al., ed.,
Thomas d’Aquin et la controverse sur l’éternité du monde. Traités sur l’éternité
du monde de Bonaventure, Thomas d’Aquin, Peckham, Boèce de Dacie, Henri de
Gand et Guillaume d’Ockham. Paris, Flammarion, 2004, pp. 228-250. 415 p.
CARVALHO, M. A. S. de, “Sentido e alcance do pensamento de Henrique de Gand.
Explicação da nona questão do Quodlibet I: a relação essência / existência”,
Mediaevalia: textos e estudos, Porto, 1993, 3, pp. 161-205 [cf. esp. pp. 193-205].
HENRY OF GHENT, “Quodlibet IV, q. 8” in GOEHRING, B., Henry of Ghent on
cognition and mental representation. A dissertation presented to the Faculty of the
Graduate School of Cornell University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2006, pp. 323-348. 724 p. [CEPAME]
HENRI DE GAND, “Quodlibet X, q. 12. L’amitié est-elle une vertu?”; FOLLON, J., et
McEVOY, J., éds., Sagesses de l’amitié, II. Anthologie de textes philosophiques
patristiques, médiévaux et renaissants. Vestigia, 29. Paris, Cerf / Éditions
Universitaires de Fribourg, 2003, pp. 419-426. 536 p. [UFSCar] [USP]
HENRI DE GAND, “Quodlibet X”; “Quodlibet XI” [extraits] in HENRI DE GAND et
al., Être, essence et contingence. Textes de Henri de Gand, Gilles de Rome,
Godefroid de Fontaines. Intr., tr. et notes par C. König-Pralong. Sagesses
médiévales, 4. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2006. 430 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP]
CARVALHO, M. A. S. de, “Noção, medição e possibilidade do vácuo segundo
Henrique de Gand (Tradução do seu Quodlibet XII, q. 3)”, Revista Filosófica de
Coimbra, 1992, 2, pp. 359-385. [CEPAME]
ALLINEY, G., Il nodo nel giunco. La questione sulla libertà di Enrico di Gand. Bari,
Ed. di Pagina, 2009. 384 p.* [CEPAME]
HENRI DE GAND. Quolibet XV, question 4 [trechos]. in KOYRÉ, A. “Le vide et
l’espace infini au XIVe siècle”, Études d’histoire de la pensée philosophique.
Paris, Gallimard, [1961] 19712, pp. 37-92 (esp. pp. 46-63).
HENRY OF GHENT, “Eternity of the World, from Quodlibetal questions” in
TWEEDALE, M., and BOSLEY, R., eds., Basic issues in Medieval philosophy.
Selected readings presenting the interactive discourses among the major figures.
Peterborough, Broadview, 1997. 2006, rev. ed. XXII+830 p.
PERLER, D., und SCHIERBAUM, S., Hrgs., Selbstbezug und Selbstwissen: Texte zu
einer mittelalterlichen Debatte Broschiert. Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann,
2014. 526 S.*
Quæstiones ordinariæ (Summa)
HENRY OF GHENT, “Selections from The Sum of Ordinary Questions” in MINNIS,
A. J., and SCOTT, A. B., eds., Medieval literary theory and criticism: c.1100c.1375. The commentary-tradition. Oxford, Clarendon, 1988. XVI+538 p. 1991,
rev. ed. 2000, pp. 250-266. [UNICAMP] [USP]
HENRI DE GAND, Sur la possibilité de la connaissance humaines. [Somme des
questions ordinaires, le prologue et les trois questions initiales]. Textes latins intr.,
tr. et annoté par D. Demange. Translatio. Paris, Vrin, 2013. 256 p.* [CEPAME]
HENRY OF GHENT, “Is it rational for someone without hope of a future life to choose
to die for the Commonwealth? Is a subject bound to observe a statute even when it
is not evident that it promotes the common unity?” in McGRADE, A. S., et al.
eds., The Cambridge translations of medieval philosophical texts. Vol. 2. Ethics
and political philosophy. Cambridge, UP, 2000. 608 p. [UFABC] [UFSCar]
HENRY OF GHENT, “Can a human being know anything (Summa quaestionum
ordinariarum 1.1). Can a human being know anything without divine
illumination? (Summa quaestionum ordinariarum 1.2) in PASNAU, R., ed., The
Cambridge translations of medieval philosophical texts. Vol. 3. Mind and
knowledge. Cambridge, UP, 2002. 384 p. [UFABC] [UNICAMP] [USP] [ebook]
ENRIQUE DE GANTE. “Suma (cuestiones ordinarias), art. 32, q. 4: ¿Dice lo que se
atribuye a Dios algo de éste de forma positiva o negativa?” in: SÁNCHEZ, A. Q.,
“Enrique de Gante sobre el significado de lo que se atribuye a Dios. Traducción
española de la cuéstion 4 del artículo 32 de la Suma (cuestiones ordinarias) (¿Dice
lo que se atribuye a Dios algo de éste de forma positiva o negativa)”. Revista
Española de Fiolosofía Medieval, 2005, 11, pp. 143-60. [CEPAME]
HENRY OF GHENT, “Summa, article 44: On God’s infinity” in DAVENPORT, A. A.,
Measure of a different greatness. The intensive infinite, 1250-1650. Studien und
Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 67. Leiden, Brill, 1999, pp. 126-146.
XV+438 p. [UFSCar] [USP]
Comentários medievais
HERVAEUS NATALIS (HARVEY NEDELLEC), De quattuor materiis sive
Determinationes contra magistrum Henricum de Gandavo. Vol. I: De formis
(together with his ‘De unitate formae substantialis in eodem supposito’). A
critical ed. from selected manuscripts by L. M. De Rijk. Studia artistarum, 30.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2011. CVIII+355 p.*
HERVAEUS NATALIS (HARVEY NEDELLEC), De quattuor materiis sive
Determinationes contra magistrum Henricum de Gandavo. Vol. II: De esse et
essentia. De materia et forma. A critical ed. from selected manuscripts by L. M.
De Rijk. Studia artistarum, 35. Turnhout, Brepols, 2013. CLXVI+191 p.*
MARTIN, R.-M., La controverse sur le péché originel au début du XIVe siècle. Textes
inédits. Spicilegium sacrum lovaniense, 10. Leuven, Peeters, 1930. XVI+427 p.
Texte aus der Zeit Meister Eckharts. I. Bertram von Ahlen, Opera (De via
contemplationis et cognitionis Dei. Excerpta super XV Quodlibet, primae et
secundae partis Summae Henrici de Gandavo et X Quodlibet Godefridi et III
Iacobi). Hrsg. von A. Beccarisi. CPTMA, VII,1. Hamburg, Meiner, 2004.
XLII+164 S. [USP]
Condenação de 1277
(Ver “Filosofia Medieval Latina – Sécs. XIII-XV”.)
HACHMANN, B., e CARVALHO, M. A. S. de, “Henrique de Gand. Bibliografia” in
No sétimo Centenário da Morte do Filósofo e teólogo Henrique de Gand,
Mediaevalia: textos e estudos, Porto, 1993, 3, pp. 213-235. [CEPAME]
LAARMANN, M., “Bibliographia auxiliaris de vita, operibus et doctrina Henrici de
Gandavo”, Franziskanische Studien, Münster in Westf., 1991, 73, pp. 324-366.
MACKEN, R., Bibliographie d’Henri de Gand. Leuven, Editions Medieval
Philosophers of the Former Low Countries, 1994. 85 p.
PORRO, P., Enrico di Gand. La vie delle proposizioni universali. Vestigia, 2. Bari,
Levante, 1990, pp. 175-210. 217 p.# [CEPAME]
PORRO, P., “Bibliography on Henry of Ghent, 1994-2002” in GULDENTOPS, G., and
STEEL, C., eds., Henry of Ghent and the transformation of scholastic thought.
Ancient and medieval philosophy, s. 1, 31. Leuven, UP, 2003, pp. 409-426.
XII+436 p. [PUC] [UFSCar] [USP]
WEIJERS, O., ed., Le travail intellectuel à la Faculté des Arts de Paris: textes et
maîtres (vers 1200-1500). IV. Répertoire des noms commençant par H et J
(jusqu’à Johannes C.). Studia artistarum, 9. Turnhout, Brepols, 2001, pp. 53-60.
ACHTNER, W., Vom Erkennen zum Handeln: die Dynamisierung von Mensch und
Natur im ausgehenden Mittelalter als Voraussetzung für die Entstehung
naturwissenschaftlicher Rationalität. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008.
430 S. [USP]
AERTSEN, J. A., et al., Hrsg., Nach der Verurteilung von 1277 / After the
Condemnation of 1277. Studies and texts. Miscellanea Mediaevalia, 28. Berlin, de
Gruyter, 2001. X+1033 S. [USP]
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